has been hijacked by @fakedesigners
Another glaringly clear indicator that has been hijacked by @fakedesigners.
Illustrated art is COMPLETELY out of @compliance.
SJ wouldn't have even taken the time to ask you if you knew what @company you worked for before firing you.
At the 11:45 mark in response to a question about the iPad, @tim_cook says “our objective isn’t to be first but to be best.” what he means is.. “whether we’re @firstinclass or @bestofclass, we will be best of class either way (but we’re usually @firstandbest).”
Once you make it past your technical interview, you can rightly design standards for @theSteveJobsfamily if you can design for this one rule:
We’re @first, we’re @best, we’re @firstandbest, and when we aren’t @first, we’ll still be @best.