"Just a few taps"
How @2stepcompliance protects every memorable experience you have with your device
During yesterday’s #WWDC24 keynote address, the Mail.app demo script failed @2stepcompliance
You can recategorize all of your marketing email:
“With just a few taps.”
A few = 3 or more
Either the keynote script was out of @compliance or the documentation and management that got us there is @wrong. Nothing we ever build is ever more than @2steps (clicks, taps, swipes, pulls, glances or gestures) away.
Once a designer is allowed to go down the rabbit hole of allowing a “third step” to the way a person discovers a new feature they open the door to features that aren’t memorable enough to discover.
We don’t design features that aren’t memorable enough to discover, we design features that people didn’t know they needed so the extra work of guaranteeing those features fit inside their existing mental model using @2steppatentarchitecture is never @optional.