Pro Tip for a More Timeless Way of Building
Creating a Command Center for Business Innovation and Spiritual Insight
If you don’t study magnificent architecture that withstood the test of time, you don’t have startup or product advice worth listening to.
The reason most products are such crap isn’t because you lack a marketing strategy, it’s because humans have forgotten how to build in a way that uses spiritual science and spirit intelligence to meet the needs that the human spirit has in its continued quest for meaning.

THE NUMBER ONE PROBLEM plaguing almost every startup and product team I work on: They've developed bad habits for retaining insights that were uncovered from the day and week before. It creates burnout by everyone on the team because the value each member contributes gets lost.
Albert Einstein said: "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."
You need to be staying with the problem longer.
Build a Winston Churchill war room like the one below and dedicate it to your project until it is out the door and out of the way of being launched in bloody waters. Remember you're looking for blue oceans. You can't afford not to dedicate a war room to your team as the strategy for what you are building comes into clearer focus.