Design your delusions. ( )
A portal for founders who are on the brink of giving up on their startup idea because of how many names in the book they’ve been labeled for wanting to design something new. We design today’s delusional ideas into tomorrow’s indispensable reality.
The mobile experience is great but you’ll want to check this one out on desktop.
Darius/Design ( )
Professional and technical background on me and including a shiny new booking services page with a nice timeline of significant milestones in Apple’s history for the Applications division.
The mobile experience is great but you’ll want to check this one out on desktop also.
roses/foundation ( )
Subscriptions: ( )
Learn startup development like Apple.
Once your eyes have a chance to rest from the much needed assault on your senses you can ease them with dark mode on our new studio site.
I’d love all of your thoughts and feedback, I worked hard on these.
Feel free to write back, I love replies!
New sites launched in April (recap):
Design your delusions:
Darius/Design (booking)
Michael Darius
Apple pioneer, skeuomorph & protégé of Steve Jobs
⌛️TIME Invention of the Year
💿 Platinum for iTunes
🕸️ Web 2.0 Pioneer
🖼️ iLife v1 & ’04, 🎸 GarageBand v1
🥀 Human Futures Planning
🍼 #1 Startup Babysitter
Book me
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